
英语作文 2023-10-15 18:50:30 英语作文




Bid farewell to yesterday"s glory, take off yesterday"s neon clothes and enter a higher palace.

In September, the fruits are fragrant. The autumn wind sent a harvest and joy, blowing away ignorance and frivolity. Under the moon, locust shoots, some stories, how much thinking

Who guides us in the sea of learning? It"s you. With your profound knowledge, realistic attitude, rigorous thinking and positive attitude, you have guided us in the vast sea of learning. Long way to study, because of you, we are no longer alone; In the vast mountain of books, because of you, our way forward is warm and sunny.

Who pays silently without asking for return? It"s you. You devote your whole life, all your energy, selflessly pay, and ask for no return. It burns itself like a candle, but it illuminates the world and brings knowledge and light to people. As time goes by, you are no longer young, but in our hearts, you will always be the most beautiful.

Who cares for us quietly and accompanies us to grow up? It"s you, you quietly guard us and accompany us to grow. Your love for us is like spring breeze and rain; Your affection for us is like a clear spring; Your heart to us is like a red child; Your righteousness to us is like a rolling river... You have paid too much for us; And we return you too little, too little

Teacher, you are the sea, I am the shell, you gave me colorful colors.

Teacher, you are the sky, I am the bird, you set my dream sail.

Teacher, you are a gardener, I am a flower. You shine on me with the sunshine of knowledge, moisten me with the rain and dew of love, and warm me with the spring sunshine of people

On this special day, please let me sing for you. Thousands of words can"t express your kindness to us. Countless gorgeous words converge into the most simple greeting - teacher, you"ve worked hard!


The annual Teacher"s Day is coming. In the morning, the dream building team came to the class to organize the last activity of the team - making teacher"s Day greeting cards.

I made a three-dimensional love and a pair of blue wings. First cut off a colored paper vase and paste it on the front of love. Then cut off two pine trees with colored paper and paste them. The perseverance of the pine tree leads us to a better future on behalf of the teacher. The vase also made small yellow stars, and the reverse side also made several layers of love with colored paper and pasted them layer by layer. Looking at this love, I expressed my respect and gratitude to the teacher. My blessing to the teacher is also written in it.

Teacher, you are a hard gardener. You taught me to read and read. You taught me the truth of being a man. I want to say: "teacher, you are working hard! I will not forget your teaching, study hard, and be a useful person in society to thank you for your efforts and efforts.


Is China"s fine tradition,respect from as early as the western zhou dynasty,11th century BC is put forward the "father" disciple division,respect the same as.

Teacher"s day,just aimed at certain teachers have greatly contributed to the success of the cause of education. In 1985,the sixth session of the 9th meeting of the standing committee of the National People"s Congress agreed to the state council on establishing teachers" day,the meeting decided to each year on September 10 as teacher"s day. On September 10,1985,is China"s first teacher"s day. Starting from __ years,then the CPPCC national committee of the humanities is a famous scholar li,in the form of proposal,repeatedly called for Confucius birthday as teacher"s day. Measured by the authoritative department study,Confucius was born on September 28,551 BC(Gregorian calendar),the day also therefore timely:busy at the beginning of the new school year is over,can have time for teachers" day and National Day.


In the history of chinese education, confucius is a paragon of all teachers, symbolizing the philosophy of “educate all without discrimination, and teach according to the abilities of ones students.” using the six arts of rites, music, archery, chariot driving, learning (including reading and writing), and mathematics, confucius had more than three thousand disciples during his lifetime. in practice of his credo, the sage never refused a student because of his class or character, requiring only that his pupils possess a sincere desire to learn.

During the crisis of the spring and autumn period, confucius sought to end the chaos of the times. believing this disorder to be a reflection of declining morals in society, he exhaustively toured the various warring chinese states to advise rulers and officials on the merits of ethical rule. in his later years, confucius reorganized the ancient texts, thus laying a solid foundation for china"s enduring civilization. in 1939 the ministry of education pronounced that confucius" birthday would be celebrated on august 28, and designated it as teachers" day as well as a national holiday to remember confucius" enormous contribution to chinese culture and society. the date was changed to september 28 in 1952 in accordance with chronologists" new findings. today, teachers" day not only commemorates china"s foremost teacher in history but also honors all teachers for their hard work during the year.

Every year during teachers" day, the confucius memorial service is solemnly held at the confucius temple to show respect and honor for the sage. at the “teachers day celebration” held by the ministry of education and the various local governments, teachers with the highest seniority and best qualities are recognized for their conttribution to society.


From small to large, among the teachers who have taught me, the one who impressed me most is Mr. Chu. She is not only strict, but also very careful.

Mr Chu is medium-sized and slim. He has long black shiny hair, like a waterfall pouring down from a high mountain. There is a eloquent mouth under the bridge of the high nose, which is often full of witty words, which makes everyone listen to God.

Mr Chu is very strict with us. Once, when the test paper was handed out, Mr. Chu asked everyone to stay in school and correct the wrong questions before going home. At this time, I saw a classmate who had not finished correcting his wrong question and had already started to pack his schoolbag and prepare to go home. I thought to myself: This classmate didn"t finish correcting his wrong questions, so he dared to take his schoolbag home. It"s really bold! He must feel that so many students are copying the wrong questions. If he leaves alone, the teacher will not find out. But at the moment he stepped out, a loud voice stopped him: "have you finished correcting your wrong question?" unexpectedly, he didn"t admit his mistake, but lied and said, "teacher, my wrong question has been corrected, can you go home?" "it"s not too late to go home after I check it." So the student had to slowly take out the test paper and hand it to Mr. Chu. Mr. Chu took the test paper and looked angry. He wanted to tear his paper, but Mr. Chu didn"t get angry. He just asked the student to return to his seat and correct the wrong questions seriously.

Teacher Chu is not only strict, but also very careful. Once when I finished my homework, I checked left and right. I didn"t see the wrong words. I checked it again for my mother. My mother also thumbed up and said, "baby, you"re great!" my heart was as sweet as honey. The next day, I handed in my homework confidently and thought I would get excellent results. As a result, I opened it and found a striking red circle. Take a closer look, it turns out that I wrote more about the "martial arts" of martial arts, and only one was excellent. Alas! What a careless loss of Jingzhou. Since then, I will carefully check my homework and try to hand it in correctly. Now, my study is making continuous progress, which can be attributed to Mr. Chu"s carefulness!




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