
英语词汇 2019-01-06 22:18:43 英语词汇
[摘要]坦白造句(共5篇)词汇三千——造句Lesson 1Part 1【ABROAD】He lived abroad for many years, he knows several foreign languages 他在国



Lesson 1

Part 1

【ABROAD】He lived abroad for many years, he knows several foreign languages.


【AFFECT】The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.去年雨水少,影响谷物的生长。

【ATTEND】All children over seven must attend school.七岁以上的小孩都得上学。

【BLAME】I have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.

我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。★do one's best:尽全力

【BUBBLE】Children like to make bubbles with soap and water.孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。

【CEMETERY】There are many tombs in the cemetery.墓地里有许多墓碑。

【COMMENDATION】He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire. 他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。

【CONFLICT】Some people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science. 有人认为宗教与科学间有很大的冲突。

【COOPERATE】The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping their classroom clean.

孩子们与老师合作保持教室清洁。★cooperate with:与...合作

【CURIOUS】I am curious to know what my teacher said to my mother.我很好奇想知道老师跟我母亲说些什么。 Part 2

【DELICIOUS】We had some delicious cakes after dinner.我们在晚饭后吃了一些美味的蛋糕。

【DIRECT】There was nobody to direct the workman.没有人监督工人。

【DIRECT】Which is the most direct way to London?去伦敦最直接的路是哪一条?

【DRAW】Draw your chair nearer to the table.把你的椅子往桌子拉近一点。

【EMPIRE】The United States was once a part of the British Empire.美国一度曾经是大英帝国的一部分。

【EVENT】The discovery of America was a great event.发现美洲是一件大事

【FAILURE】Success came after many failures.成功是在多次的失败之后到来。

【FILE】Please put these letters in the main file.请把这些文件放入文卷总档中。

【FILE】The secretary filed the cards in order.秘书将卡片依序归档。

【FRANK】He was frank to admit that he had not studied the lesson.他坦白承认没有念那一课。

【GENERATE】We know that heating water can generate steam.我们知道将水加热可以产生蒸气。

【HALT】The soldiers halted for a rest.士兵们停止前进,以休息片刻。

Part 3

【HORN】A goat has two horns on its head.山羊的头上有两只角。

【INDIVIDUAL】A teacher can not give individual attention if his class is large.


【INDIVIDUAL】The rights of the individual are more important than the rights of society as a whole. 个人的权利比整个社会的权利重要得多。★as a whole:总体上

【INTERVAL】There is a long interval before he replied.他隔了一段很长时间才回答。

【KNOT】The knots of your package must be tied tightly.你包裹上的绳结必须扎紧。

【LIBERAL】He is liberal in his views on government.他对政体的看法是属于自由主义的。

【LIBERAL】They want their children to have a liberal education.他们要他们的孩子接受通才教育。 ★liberal education:文科教育, 普通教育,通才教育

【MAGNIFICENT】The king was wearing a magnificent gold crown.国王戴着华丽的金冠。

【MENTAL】Keeping mental health is very important in modern society.

在现代社会中维护心理健康是非常重要的。★mental health:心理健康

【MOMENTARY】Her feeling of danger was only momentary, it soon passed.他的危险感是暂时的,很快就消失了。

【NEUTRAL】He remained neutral in the argument between his two friends.他在两个朋友的争辩中保持中立。

【OMIT】He made many mistakes in spelling by omitting letters.他因漏掉字母而犯了许多拼字上的错误。 Part 4

【PEACOCK】A peacock can fly only short distances.孔雀只能飞很短的距离。

【PIONEER】John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel.约翰·格伦是太空飞行的先驱者。

★space travel:太空飞行,太空旅行

【PRAY】I will pray to God for your safe return.我会向上帝祈祷你的平安归来。

【PRONOUNCE】The teacher pronounced each word slowly.老师把每一个字音都读得很慢。

【PRONOUNCE】The doctor pronounced that the man was dead.医生宣告那男人死了。

【RACE】There are mainly three kinds of races in the world, the white race, the black race, and the yellow race.世界上有三个重要的种族:白种人,黑种人和黄种人。

【RACE】Please tell me which horse won the race.请告诉我哪一匹马赢得比赛。

【RELATIVE】He has many relatives in the United States.他在美国有很多亲戚。

【RELATIVE】East is a relative term, for example, France is east of England but west of Italy. 东方是个相对的名词,譬如说,法国在英国的东方,但在意大利的西方。

★relative term:相对项

【RESORT】When we were high school students, we resorted to the restaurant.

当我们是高中生时,常去那家餐馆。★resort to:常去,采用,使用(手段),诉诸(法律)

【RESORT】He always resorted to asking his friends for money.他总是向朋友求助金钱。

【RUB】He rubbed his hands together to warm up.他摩擦双手以取暖。

★warm up:热身,重新煮热,变暖,感到亲切,激动

【SHADOW】He walked along in shadows hoping no one would recognize him.


【SITUATION】I'm in a difficult situation and I don't know what to do.


Part 5

【SORE】His sore leg made walking difficult.疼痛的腿使他步行困难。

【SPREAD】His sister spread a cloth on the table.他的姐姐把一块桌布铺在桌上。

【STOMACH】It is unwise to swim on a full stomach.饱腹时游泳是不明智的。

★on a full stomach:饭后,肚子饱时

【SUITCASE】He took two suitcases with him on the trip.他旅行时带着两个手提箱。

【TALENT】The girl has a talent for music.那女孩有音乐的天才。

【THRONE】He was only 15 years old when he came to the throne.他登基时只有十五岁。

【TRANSFER】He has asked for a transfer to another job.他已要求调职。

★ask for:请求,寻找

【TRANSFER】The football player is hoping to transfer to another team soon.


★transfer to:转到


【USAGE】Machines soon wear out under rough usage.机器使用不小心很快就会磨损。

★wear out:消瘦,穿破,用坏,克服,消磨,疲劳

【VOWEL】The vowels in the English language are represented by a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. 英文中的元音字母以a,e,i,o,u 为代表,有时再加上y 。

【WITHDRAW】He quickly withdrew his hand from the hot stove.他迅速地把手从热炉上缩回。

Lesson 2

Part 1【ABSOLUTE】He is a man of absolute honesty.他是一个绝对诚实的人。

【AGENCY】The Ford Company has agencies all over the country.福特公司在全国都由经销处。

★all over:全部结束,到处,浑身,<口>完全象

【ATTITUDE】He took a sympathetic attitude toward my situation.他对我的境遇抱有同情的态度。

【BLANK】Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page.


【BULK】A vast bulk of coal is still stored in the basement.地下室中仍储有大量的煤堆。【CEREMONY】Their marriage ceremony was performed in the church.他们的结婚典礼在教堂举行。

【COMMERCE】Our country has grown rich because of its commerce with other nations.


【CONFUSE】Even their own mother sometimes confused the twins.即使是双胞胎自己的母亲有时候也会搞混。

【COPPER】Copper is easily shaped into thin sheet or fine wire.铜易于塑成薄板或细丝。

★thin sheet:钢皮,薄片,薄钢板; fine wire:细丝

【CURSE】He cursed the poor waitress who had spilled soup on him.他咒骂那个把汤倒在他身上的可怜女侍。 Part 2

【DELIGHT】Moving pictures give great delight to millions of people.电影娱乐了数以百万的人们。

【DISAPPEAR】The little boy disappeared around the corner.那小男孩在街角处消失。

★around the corner:在拐角处

【DRIFT】The boat was taken out to sea by the drift of the tide.小船被潮流冲到外海。

【EMPLOY】That big factory employs many workers.那家大工厂雇用许多工人。

【EVIDENCE】When the police arrived, he had already destroyed all the evidence.当警察到达时,他已毁了所有的证据。

【FACULTY】John has the faculty to learn languages easily.


【FACULTY】That will be discussed in the next faculty meeting.


★faculty meeting:教职员会议,教授会

【FINANCIAL】Before he decided to study abroad, he has to solve financial problems.


【FREIGHT】This aircraft company deals with freight only, it has no travel service.


★deal with:安排,处理,涉及,做生意; travel service:旅行社

【GENEROUS】It was very generous of them to share their meal with their poor neighbors.


【HANDY】There were handy shelves near the kitchen sink.


Part 3

【HORRIBLE】I have never seen such a horrible car accident.


【INDUSTRIOUS】An industrious student usually has good grades.


【INTIMATE】Although my brother knew many people, he had few intimate friends.


【KNOWLEDGE】A baby has no knowledge of good and evil.


★good and evil:善与恶

【LIBERTY】They fought to defend their liberty against the invaders.


【MAJESTY】They were inspired by the majesty of the snow covered mountains.他们由积雪山脉的庄严气氛中获得启示。★snow cover:积雪(层),雪盖

【MENTION】Do not mention the terrible accident before the little children.


【MONUMENT】The ruins of the castle is an ancient monument, which the government pays money to preserve. 城堡的废墟是古代的纪念物,政府花钱以保存之。

【NICKNAME】He got the nickname “fatty” because he was very fat.


【ONION】Onion has a very strong smell and taste.洋葱的气味和味道很烈。

Part 4

【PEAK】The mountain peak is covered with snow all year round.山顶终年覆盖着雪。

★be covered with:盖着,覆着

【PIT】Water collected in the pit left when the old trees were uprooted.


【PREACH】Many people went to church to hear him preach.许多人到教堂听他传教。

【PROOF】We must wait for better proof before we believe.在我们相信以前,必须等待更有力的证据。

【RAG】She wiped her boots with a rag.她用破布擦她的皮靴。

【RELEASE】After he was released from prison, he came home directly.他被释放出狱后立刻回家。

★release from:豁免,解除

【RESPONSIBILITY】Now that you are 13, you should have more sense of responsibility.


★sense of responsibility:责任感

【RUDE】It is rude to stare at people or to point with a finger.瞪眼看人或用手指人,都是不礼貌的。 ★stare at:凝视,盯住,瞪眼看

【SCORN】We feel scorn for a traitor.我们轻视卖国贼。

【SHALLOW】The lake is too shallow for swimming.那湖用来游泳太浅了。

Part 5www.shanpow.com_坦白造句。

【SOUL】They were praying for the souls of the dead.他们正为死者的灵魂祈祷。

★pray for:请求,恳求【SPRINKLE】He sprinkled sand along the icy path.他沿着结冰的路撒沙子。

【STOOP】He stooped to pick up the paper.他附身捡纸。

★pick up:掘地,捡起,获得,使恢复精神,加快,看到,随便地认识,加速

【SUM】He paid the sum of 10 for a new bag.他以十元的价格买一个新袋子。

【SUM】The sum of 2 and 3 is 5.二和三之和为五。

【TALKATIVE】No man likes talkative woman.没有男人喜欢多嘴的女人。

【THROUGHOUT】The woodwork in the house was rotten throughout.这间屋内的木制品全部腐朽了。

【THROUGHOUT】His name is famous throughout the world.全世界都知道他的名字。

【TRANSPORT】Wheat is transported from the farms to the mills.小麦从农场运送至面粉加工厂。


【UTTER】He was gone before she could utter a word.她还未开口说一个字,他就走了。

【UTTER】She is an utter stranger to me.对我来说,她完全是一个陌生人。

【VOYAGE】The voyage from England to India used to take six months.过去从英国航行印度,要花六个月的时间。 ★used to:惯常,惯于; be used to:过去习惯于

【WITHER】The grass withered in the sun.草在阳光下枯萎了。

★in the sun:在阳光下,无忧无虑

Lesson 3

Part 1

【ACADEMIC】The academic year begins when school opens in September.学年是从学校九月开学时开始。

【AHEAD】Tom was a quick walker, so he soon got ahead of the others.


【ATTRACTION】He cannot resist the attraction of the sea in hot weather.


【BLAZE】I put some wood on the fire and it soon burst into a blaze.

我放一些木柴在火中,很快就发出炽焰。★burst into:闯入,开出,突然出现

【CHALLENGE】I challenged him to a game of tennis.我邀请他作网球比赛。


用安分造句___安宁造句__安心造句 用安分造句 造句: 1,和别的战士一样都是安分守己 2,老妹,你能不能安分点 3,原来,米雅的小嘴又不安分了 4,您不在的日子,同学们安分守己 5,真是一只既不安分又可爱的鸭子 6,我把它摇晕,它终于安分了一点 7,不过,老师一来,她们就安分了 8,如是想,不安分的心慢慢归于平静 9,我是文盲,可我却是个不安分的文盲 10,它热烈,舒张,它躁动不羁及不安分 解释:守规矩;安于本分。 近义词:守纪、本分、老实 反义词:捣乱、非分 安宁造句 造句:










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