
田园诗 2019-10-01 23:23:47 田园诗
[摘要]一:[狸花猫为什么退出cfa]狸花猫:告诉你一个民族的才是世界的故事这个神秘的物种就是中国狸花猫!“找我干啥?” source sohu com cn与中华田园犬不太一样的是,中国狸花猫是CFA(The Cat Fanciers’ Association,美国爱猫者协会)收录的品种。这意味着中国狸花



这个神秘的物种就是中国狸花猫!“找我干啥?” source sohu.com.cn与中华田园犬不太一样的是,中国狸花猫是CFA(The Cat Fanciers’ Association,美国爱猫者协会)收录的品种。这意味着中国狸花猫与俄罗斯蓝猫,挪威森林猫,英国短毛猫一样,是这个世界上最大的纯种猫非盈利注册组织严格筛选后评定下来的认证品种。这是俄罗斯蓝猫!这是挪威森林猫!“干啥啊?” source look.com.ua狸花猫的名字源自清代畅销小说《狸猫换太子》,其早期英文名Dragon Li也出自这里。被收录入CFA时英文名改回Chinese Li Hua,可能是觉得后者听上去萌萌哒更符合狸花猫的气质。截至今日,狸花猫仍是唯一被收录进去的来自中国的猫品种。我们萌萌的狸花拍定妆照的时候也没有辜负大家对它的期望,为我们国人挣足了面子。“大家好我是唯一一只来自中国的猫
source: cfa.org“对了,刚才说我丑的站出来让我看看。”
source: cfa.org你家养的是狸花猫吗?中国狸花猫是世界上已知的最早的猫品种,在不同出处的文字和书籍中均有记载。狸花猫不是人工杂交出来的品种,因此呈现一定的自然选择的多样性。狸花猫的共同特征是身披棕黄色的虎斑(brown mackerel tabby),黄色(尖部)-黑色(根部)的毛发,杏仁状的大眼睛,绿色,黄色或棕黄的眼睛颜色和圆圆的脑袋。体态均匀,身材看上去就健康得不行(自然选择好)。卖起萌来也是分毫不差。和田园狗,芦花鸡一样,中华三宝之一的狸花猫的性格温顺,社交能力强。品种之所以传承了几千年,靠得是一身捉老鼠的本领。“大哥,他们不相信我们很能捉老鼠。” 
source:sandiegouniontribune.com虽然中国狸花猫兄弟姐妹遍布祖国大地,但直到2010年10月,两只承载着国人寄托的狸花猫才第一次踏出国门, 抵达到大洋彼岸的美国圣地亚哥参加CFA举行的世界纯种猫展览会。当地的报纸也用醒目的标题报道了这件事情。标题:“稀有的中国猫咪就要来我们这参加周末的展览啦!” source:sandiegouniontribune.com虽然已经过去6年,并且狸花猫由于人为原因停止了在CFA的注册,但每每想到我们的国粹狸花猫顶着圆圆的大脑袋,披着一身虎斑披风与其他世界名猫同场竞技的时候,心中还是满满的自豪感。
最后提一句,中国狸花猫的在海外市场的售价是$300-$800美金。“       萌爪君:壮哉我中华大狸花!威武!


中国狸花猫的品种简介 中国狸花猫以前被视为难登大雅之堂的土猫,但近年来,许多爱猫人士都致力于中国纯种狸花猫的培育,2010年2月8日经过CFA中国长城猫俱乐部六年的努力,CFA终于认可是狸花这一中国本土自然品种。中国长城猫俱乐部为尊重中国人习惯,公布了狸花猫在国际上的标准名字为:Chinese LiHua。 中国狸花猫(详情介绍)
       中国狸花猫以前被视为难登大雅之堂的土猫,但近年来,许多爱猫人士都致力于中国纯种狸花猫的培育,2010年2月8日经过CFA中国长城猫俱乐部六年的努力,CFA终于认可是狸花这一中国本土自然品种。中国长城猫俱乐部为尊重中国人习惯,公布了狸花猫在国际上的标准名字为:Chinese LiHua。
       中国是狸花猫的源产地,它属于自然猫,因为是在千百年中经过许多品种的自然淘汰而保留下来的品种。中国狸花猫多品种的自然淘汰而保留下来的品种。人们最熟悉的就要算是“狸猫换太子”(宋朝)的故事了,但中国关于狸花这一品种的介绍却远在此之前。2003CFA中国长城猫俱乐部向国际申请,将中国狸花猫做为中国特有猫种向世界展示,经过七年的努力,于2010年2月8日,CFA休斯顿董事会议上通过。狸花猫正式进入CFA。狸花猫在国际的名称依然延用中国名及发音“Chinese Li HUa Mao”。从此中国拥有了自己本土的纯种猫。


HISTORIC EVENT: FIRST 2 NATIVE CHINESE LI HUA CATS MAKING USA DEBUT IN DALLAS, TEXASThe first two Chinese Li Hua cats will make their United States of America debut at the Fort Worth Cat Club and Lone Star Cat Club shows in Dallas, Texas, on October 30-31, 2010, at The Sterling Hotel.  The cats arrived safely at the Los Angeles International Airport the afternoon of Monday, October 18th after their long journey from China.  The two cats will be will be co-owned by their original "Masters" in China and CFA Breeder/Exhibitors in the USA.Bob Zenda, The Cat Fanciers’ Association, Inc., (CFA) Allbreed Judge and The Great Wall Cat Fancier"s Club appointed Advisor for Chinese Li Hua Breed Committee made the announcement.  “This is the native Chinese breed that I presented to the CFA Board of Directors for recognition as CFA"s newest breed in the “Miscellaneous” class at the February 2010 meeting,” said Mr. Zenda.  “The Chinese Li Hua cat is a natural breed that evolved over hundreds of years in the Peoples Republic of China, and has never been seen outside of China prior to the February Board meeting. This shorthair breed is known for its calm disposition and spectacular brown mackerel tabby color pattern - the only color pattern recognized.”This historic event could not be accomplished without the dedicated work of Yu Yin, who brought two cats to the Board meeting from Beijing, "Halen" (Zhang Li Yu), President of the China Great Wall Cat Fanciers CFA Club (Beijing), Phebe Lo, the elected CFA International Division Asia/LatinAmerica Representative and Joann & Esther White, who met the cats on arrival today, and who will be responsible for receipt and "distribution" of the Li Hua cats to their USA co-owners in several CFA Regions, as more arrive in the USA. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                        OPEN TO THE PUBLICFurther information: Cheryl Pedigo, media contact for Fort Worth and Lone Star Cat Clubs, 214-383-0224; http://www.360doc.com/mailto:[email protected]: Fort Worth Cat Club and Lone Star Cat Club Charity Cat ShowWhen: Saturday, 10/30/2010, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 10/31/2010, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.Where:  The Sterling Hotel, 1055 Regal Row, Dallas, Texas, 75247 (15 minutes from DFW Airport at Highway 183 and Regal Row.)以上为美报刊文章,18日CFA长城猫俱乐部两只狸花猫做为中国狸花猫代表抵达美国,并参加了30-31日猫展,得到裁判及猫迷爱好者的极大关注与热爱。
Dear Halen,We cannot tell you how deeply honored and pleased we feel being the first to present the Chinese Li Huas to the American cat fancy and the public. It was a thrill that we will never forget. Kim Everett-Hirsch was the first judge and she said she was going to tell everyone how honored she felt to be the first judge to see and handle them. We were so proud of the two boys. They handled beautifully and loved to have people admire them. The twelve judges handled both Zhong Guo and NaoNao, even though NaoNao was on Exhibition Only (due to not having a CFA registration number, at the time of entry). The judges asked to handle NaoNao, also. Only one of the judges had seen a Chinese Li Hua prior to this show. The judges asked many questions and we were able to provide them with the information they wanted. There was a large gathering of exhibitors and spectators whenever they were presented in a ring. Both cats played with teaser toys with the judges and were very alert to everything that was happening. In addition, there were judges who were exhibiting their own cats at the show and they asked to be allowed to handle them also. Naturally, we said yes and the boys really seemed to enjoy it.  Zhong Guo loves being held like a baby on his back wrapped up in a small blanket or towel while NaoNao likes to "give kisses". Richard Katris (Chanan Photography) took pictures of Zhong Guo and NaoNao with a couple of the judges. He also took photos of them in their show cages and the display with information sheets available as handouts. In addition, he photographed each one more formally, in his portable studio at the show. When he arrives home, he will make up a set of photos for you so you can see how wonderful they were at the show and you can share them with the rest of the breeders in your group. As soon as we receive the photos, we will send them to you.As we continue to show them, we will keep you informed as to how they are doing. They enjoyed riding in the car and staying overnight in hotel rooms.  They"ve experienced a lot of new things, situations and adventures in the past two weeks and have settled into a comfortable new routine. Words cannot express how honored we feel that you have entrusted your children to our care and given us the opportunity to introduce the American cat fancy to a wonderful and very unique breed. Best Regards,Joann & Esther White让我们一起分享美国猫友带中国猫比赛时的精彩场面,感受那另人无比激动及兴奋的一幕。
Richard KatrisChanan Photography一位国际著名猫咪摄影师,特意前往,为我们的狸花猫拍摄下这些美丽的镜头。

我们骄傲因为我们有自己祖国的猫种进入美国,向全世界宣布,中国猫的美丽绝不逊色于任何其他国家的猫种!我们努力,我们将为狸花猫更快进入冠军赛而不断努力。我们感谢所有关心这一品种,爱护这一品种人士的大力帮助。请不要遗弃中国猫,在中国狸花猫之后,我们己在CFA申请了Chinese long hair的繁育,并递交了标准,中国地大物博,历史悠久,猫咪文化也十分久远。让我们一起发掘祖国文化,保护中国特有猫种,让它们在世界大放异彩。




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