
礼仪 2008-07-04 18:18:43 礼仪
[摘要]behave词组(共6篇)新牛津8BU5词组一、短语 P64—651 讲礼貌,良好的礼仪good manners 2 与他们分享东西share things with them 3 插嘴cut in on others4



一、短语 P64—65

1. 讲礼貌,良好的礼仪good manners 2. 与他们分享东西share things with them 3. 插嘴cut in on others

4. 有礼貌的等候wait politely 5. 做正确的事do the right things 6. 在公共场合in public places

7. 到处丢垃圾drop litter everywhere P66—69

1. 主持学校广播节目host the school radio show

2. 采访一名九年级的学生interview a Grade 9 student 3. 邀请她谈论英国的礼仪interview her to talk about

manners in the UK

4. 符合习俗的方式,正确的方式the proper way 5. 英国的人们British people

6. 与亲戚或亲密的朋友打招呼greet relatives or close


7. 开始交谈start a conversation 8. 谈论天气talk about the weather 9. 避免话题avoid subjects

10. 在公共场合表现得很有礼貌behave politely in


11. 对某人粗鲁的be rude to sb. 12. 插队push in

13. 撞上某人bump into sb. 14. 挡他们的道in their way P70—73

1. 任何时候any time

2. 注意她周围细小的变化notice small changes

around her

3. 够大方的generous enough 4. 加入讨论join the discussion

5. 自我表达清楚express oneself clearly

6. 记下所有要点write down all the main points 7. 她随身带着帽子take her hat with her

8. 忙于她的舞蹈课be busy with her dancing lessons 9. 公共标识public signs

10. 在公共场所使用的标识signs used in public places 11. 帮助解释事情help (to) explain things

12. 给我们(提供)有用的信息give us useful P74—77

1. 收集了一些谚语collect some sayings 2. 生活中的某一时候sometime in one’s life 3. 发生在你的身上happen to you 4. 不久以后soon after

5. 为了成功in order to be successful

6. 冒着失去一切的风险risk losing everything 7. 曾经,以前at one time 8. 实现come true

8. 让水龙头一直在淌leave the tap running

9. 在图书馆里保持安静keep quiet in the library 10. 摘花pick flowers

11. 遵守交通规则obey traffic rules

12. 排队等候,依次排队queue for one’s turn 13. 把它们放回put them back

15. 碰你touch you

16. 从你旁边挤过去push past you 17. 一直,总是all the time

18. 一些其它的提示some other tips 19. 大笑laugh loudly

20. 尽量不做某事try not to do sth.

21. 在其他人前面in front of other people 22. 偶然撞上某人hit sb. by accident 23. 向某人打招呼say hello to sb. 24. 欢迎他们welcome them 25. 确保make sure

26. 在广播中on the radio

27. 避免谈论体重avoid talking about weight 28. 想你走开want you to move

29. 思考礼仪方面的差异think about the differences in


30. 需要改进我们的礼仪need to improve our mannersinformation

13. 保护我们远离危险keep us away from danger 14. 警告我们不做某事warn us not to do sth.

15. 有关公共标识的一份报告a report on public signs 16. 在色彩方面鲜明be bright in colours 17. 一些例子some examples 18. 一家美术馆an art museum 19. 低声交谈talk softly

20. 提醒你的组员不要做某事warn your group

members not to do sth.

21. 一幅著名的油画a famous painting 22. 一名优秀的老师an excellent teacher

23. 拍一张大楼的照片take a photo of the building9. 不停地练习讲英语keep practising speaking English 10. 变得筋疲力尽become tired out 11. 擅长做饭be good at cooking 12. 实际上in fact

13. 做个有关良好的餐桌礼仪的报告give a talk on

good table manners

14. 制定报告的计划make a plan for the talk 15. 报告的目的the purpose of the talkbehave词组

16. 一些目录some contents 20. 发觉他们有用的find them useful 17. 得出结论draw a conclusion 21. 首要的是,首先above all 18. 举办,发生take place 22. 等大家完成/吃完wait everyone to finish19. 在学校礼堂at the school hall 二、重点句子及讲解

1. 你年龄够大,该学学礼仪了。You’re old enough to learn about manners. 2. 活到老,学到老。You’re never too old to learn.

3. 他们最近参观了英国。They’ve visited the UK recently. 4. 第一次见到你时,英国人说:“你好!”或“见到你很高兴。”并与你握手。 British people say“hello”or “nice

to meet you”and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time. 5. 他们用亲吻这种方式与人们打招呼吗? Do they greet people with a kiss?

6. 但请避免像年龄、体重或金钱的话题。But please avoid subjects like age, weight or money. 7. 他们总是排队等候。他们认为在别人前面插队是粗鲁无礼的。They always queue. They think it’s rude to push in

before others.

8. 如果在街上撞上某人,他们会说“对不起”。 If they bump into someone in the street, they’ll say “sorry”. 9. 他们会说“劳驾”,并且足够礼貌地等到你走开。They’ll say“excuse me” and be polite enough to wait till you


10. 在公共场所声音低一点,英国人不喜欢大声喊叫或大笑。Keep your voice down in public. British people don’t

like to shout or laugh loudly.

11. 我确信他们对我有帮助。I’m sure they’re helpful to me. 12. 正如谚语所说“入乡随俗”。Just as the saying says,“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

13. 当我们在陌生的地方时,我们应该依照当地人的所作所为。When we’re in a strange place, we should do as the

local people do.

14. 米莉足够耐心,别人讲话认真听讲。Millie is patient enough to listen carefully when others speak. 15. 艾米真够风趣,课后总把大家搞笑了。Amy is funny enough to make everyone laugh after class. 16. 禁止乱丢垃圾!No littering!

17. 我以前看过这幅画。I’ve seen this painting before.

18. 数年艰辛的工作,我的表弟梦想成真。My cousin has made his dream come true after years of hard work. 19. 报告的目的是教学生们吃饭的规矩。The purpose of the talk is to teach students rules of eating. 20. 将有许多有关餐桌礼仪的建议。There will be lots of advice on table manners. 21. 首要的是,你坐在餐桌旁时,大家都就座了才能吃饭。Above all, when you’re sitting at the table, you should not

start eating until everyone is ready.

22. 吃喝时,发出太大的响声是不礼貌的。It’s impolite to make too much noise while eating or drinking. 23. 吃东西你不应该张开嘴巴或口含食物交谈。behave词组

You should not eat with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth.

24. 不要够别人的盘子来吃东西。Don’t reach over someone’s plate for something.

25. 英国人非常讲礼貌,不会从你身旁挤过去。British people are too polite to push past you. = British people are so

polite that they don’t push past you.

26. 对她来说英国太远了不能独自去那儿。The UK is too far away for her to go there on her own. = The UK is so far

away that she can’t go there by herself / alone. 27. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 the early bird catches the worm 28. 不雨则已,一雨倾盆 / 祸不单行 it never rains but it pours 29. 人多活轻 / 众人拾柴火焰高 many hands make light work 30. 凡人皆有出头日 / 人人皆有得意时 every dog has its day 31. 孤注一掷 put all your eggs in one basket 32. 这山望着那山高 / 隔岸风景好 the grass is always greener on the other side 33. 事实胜于雄辩 actions speak louder than words

34. 一份耕耘,一份收获 / 不劳无获no pain, no gain. 熟能生巧practice makes perfect 35. 患难见真情 a friend in need is a friend indeed. 36. 一根蜡烛两头烧 / 过度劳累 burn the candle at both ends



词语 a few

a great/good deal of ahead of time aim at absent from accustomed to adequate for afraid of ahead of angry at

angry with/at sb anxious about anxious for applicable for appropriate for/to ashamed of available for

解释 少许

许多,大量,…的多 提前

瞄准,针对; 在,旨在 缺席,不在 习惯的,惯常的 对...是足够的,适当的 害怕,担心 在...之前 为...而生气 对...发怒 对...焦虑不安 对...担心,渴望 能用于...的 对...是恰当的 为...而羞愧 可利用的,可得到的

aware of



词语 blind to bound for busy in busy with be about to

I was just about to leave when you telephoned. be absorbed in be absorbed in study be absorbed in thoughts be accustomed to

be accustomed to this sort of work be bound to

She is bound to find out. It is bound to happen. be devoted to

The magazine is devoted to science.



(人)准备到...去,(车、船)开往...的 忙于 忙于


我正要出门你就来电话了。 专心于 专心学习 在沉思中 习惯于 习惯这种工作 一定要... 她一定会发现的。 这事必然会发生。 致力于...


She is devoted to her children. 她全心照管子女。

Every effort has been devoted to 已经作出最大努力来研究癌症的起因。 studying the origin of cancer. be entitled to

She is fully entitled to benefits. We are entitled to attend all concerts. be fed up with

I'm fed up with his story. be opposed to

He is opposed to my suggestion. be subjected to

I'm subjected to hard work. be used to

You will soon be used to the life there. I'm used to getting up early. bear/have/keep in mind begin with

You should begin with this book. be beside (the) point/question beyond question break away

有...的资格 ,有权 她完全有资格领取救济金。 我们有权免费听所有的音乐会。 饱受, 厌烦

他的故事我听腻了。 对面的,相对的 他反对我的建议。 征服,统治,支配 我得努力工作。 过去习惯于

你很快就会习惯于那里的生活的。 我习惯早起床。 记住, 思念, 存心, 紧记 首先

你该先读这本书。 离题, 不中肯 无可争辩

突然离开, 脱离, 放弃, (运动中)反攻为守

break away from a bad habit. He broke away from his captors. break down


他摆脱了抓捕他的人。 分解

to bread down a substance into its 把一种物质分解成各种物质 components break in

He broke in on their conversation. break into

I had to break into the room as I had lost the key. break off

He has broken off all relations with her. break out to break out in

He breaks out in a rash. break through

They broke through to the encircled unit. break up

They broke up the estate into small lots. bring / come into operation


他突然插话,打断了他们的谈话。 破门而入, 侵占

因为钥匙丢了,我不得不破门而入。脱落, 断绝关系, 与...绝交

他断绝与她的一切关系。 起始,发生 突然发生

他全身出了一片红疹。 突围, 突破

他们突破了封锁去救被围困的部队。分裂, 分散, 破裂

他们把这块地分成小块。 把...带进...

She brought the chairs into the house.. bring about

What brought about all these results bring down

她把椅子搬进屋里。 使发生, 致使 ?怎么搞成这个样子? 打倒, 击落, 打死, 降低

That injection will surely bring your 那针(剂)肯定会使你退烧。 fever down. bring forth

提出, 出示, 展示

his problem is brought forth for your 这个问题提出来请你考虑。 consideration. bring forward

提出, 提前, 显示

Can you bring forward any proof of what ?你能为你所说的话提供证据吗? you said

bring into practice bring out


显现,显示, 出版,推出,生产

Most of the automobile companies bring 大部分汽车公司每年都要出新型号的汽车。 out new models each year. bring up

教育, 养育, 提出, 提及, 向...提及

If children are badly brought up they 如果孩子的教养不好,他们的行为就不好。 behave badly.behave词组

Please bring up this point at the next 请把这一点在下次会议上提出来。 meeting.

bring up against






  teach的用法2:teach既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句充当; 其间接宾语可转换为介词to的宾语。teach还可接由动词不定式或动名词充当补足语的复合宾语。

  teach的用法3:teach后可接“sb+to- v ”结构。作“教(导)某人做…”解时,动词不定式是宾语补足语; 作“因做某事而教训某人”解时,动词不定式是原因状语,这时常与will连用。


  teach的用法5:teach所接的动词不定式,是否加疑问词how,往往取决于工艺大小、复杂与否。工艺大、复杂的,多加how; 工艺小、简单的,一般不加how。如:(how) to swim〔dance,ride,type〕等。但在下面的句子中, how不能省略:He taught me how to light a fire without matches.他教我在没有火柴时怎样生火。


  1. Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined.


  2. He uses tapes of this program to teach English.


  3. I want to teach Irish so that it won'tdie out.


  4. The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.


  5. Rarely do schoolteachers have leeway to teach classes the way they want.


  6. She was trying to teach him to play the guitar.


  7. The trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills.


  8. My father tried to teach me to toughen up.


  9. Members of the union will continue to teach their full timetables.


  10. British educationalists are divided about how best to teach reading.


  11. They teach managers to accept reversals as a fact of business life.


  12. People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.


  13. He made it his crusade to teach children to love books.


  14. Peter offered to teach them water-skiing.


  15. Teach them to voice their feelings.


《高中英语必修Unit 3 词汇讲解》

  以下是小编整理的关于高中英语必修Unit 3 Travel Journal词汇讲解,旨在提供综合运用所需材料,希望能够帮到你!能有一个好的开头,就是成功的一半,高一新生步入高中,开始新的高中生活。

  Unit 3 Travel Journal

  Word usage

  1. fare n. 费用

  1) How much is the air fare to Beijing?

  2) a single/one-way fare 单程票价

  2. transport n.& vt. 运输;运送

  transport from…to 从……运输到

  1) The transport of vegetables from the farm to the market takes only half an hour.

  2) The yellow bus transport passengers from the airport to the city.

  3. persuade vt. 说服, 劝服

  persuade sb. to do = persuade sb. into doing 说服某人做

  persuade sb. not to do = persuade sb. out of sth./doing 说服某人别做,劝阻某人做

  persuade sb. of sth. = persuade sb. + that…使某人相信

  1) The salesman persuaded us to buy/into buying his product.

  2) The hunter persuaded us not to walk/ out of walking through the thick forest alone.

  3) He tried to persuade me of his honesty. = He tried to persuade me that he was honest.

  4. insist vt. 坚持,坚决主张

  insist on/ upon doing 坚决做,坚持做

  insist on one’s doing 坚持要某人做

  insist that 坚持认为;坚持说

  1) She insisted on / upon (our) going to Beijing by air as it was more comfortable.

  2) We insisted that father (should) give up smoking for the good of his own health.

  5. proper adj.恰当的,正确的

  properly adv. = in a proper way

  be proper for 对…… 恰当合适

  It is proper for sb. to do = It is proper that…某人做某事是妥当的

  behave properly 举止有礼

  properly speaking严格地说

  1) Is it proper for you to wear a cap while eating?

  = Is it proper that you should wear a cap while eating?

  2) It is not proper to be late for a dinner party.

  6. determine v. 决定,决心,确定

  determine to do 决定做

  determine sb. to do 使某人下决心做

  be determined to do 决心做

  1) He firmly determined to rise in the world whatever it took.

  2) She determined that she would never see him again.

  3) She was determined to go to university.

  7. change one’s mind 改变主意

  1) Once he has made up his mind, nothing can be done to change his mind.

  2) make up one’s mind 某人下定决心

  8. at an altitude of = at a height of 在海拔……米处

  1) The plane is flying at a height/ altitude of 10000 feet.

  9. give in

  give in to sb. 向某人让步, 屈服于某人

  1) The mother gave in and bought a toy for her child.

  2) He had to give in to my views.




  安守故常 规行矩步 循规蹈矩








  1.remain in one's proper sphere; abide by law and behave oneself; accept one's position in life; act dutifully; act according to one's station; act proper to one's status; be contented [content] with one's lot; behave properly; fulfill [keep] one's duty and


  1. 他一直地那样安分守己的。

  2. 那些人看上去都挺安分守己的。

  3. 他安分守己,老老实实地生活着。

  4. 你是安分守己的。

  5. 我也得用另一种方式表现得安分守己。

  6. “费伯先生是安分守己的人,”帕金说。

  7. 我没有错,你是一个安分守己的“人手。”

  8. 你要安分守己,守住我给你留下的这点财产啊。

  9. 我们一到那里,那些不安分守己的人就会仔细打量我们。

  10. 他举止威严文雅,适合做一家之主,并使人人都安分守己。





  boil的用法2:boil表示“沸腾”“开”,可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时意为“使…沸腾”,接名词或代词作宾语。

  boil的用法3:boil表示“用开水煮”时,可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时,可跟简单宾语、双宾语、以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语; 有时也可用作系动词。





  boil的用法8:boil作“煮沸”解时,是只用单数的名词,不能用于复数,通常与a连用; 作“沸腾”“沸点”解时可与定冠词the连用,引申可表示为“激动”,在医学上还可指“疔疮”“疖子”。


  用作动词 (v.)

  boil away (v.+adv.)

  boil down (v.+adv.)

  boil down to (v.+adv.+prep.)

  boil out (v.+adv.)

  boil over (v.+adv.)

  boil up (v.+adv.)

  boil with (v.+prep.)

  用作名词 (n.)

  on the boil

  go off the boil


  1. Put a pan of salted water on to boil.


  2. I'll put on the kettle for tea. Or boil up some coffee.


  3. Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow boil.


  4. It is a painful experience having the boil lanced.


  5. Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half.


  6. You can boil the fish fillets on a high setting.


  7. Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice.


  8. Boil the water in the saucepan and add the sage.


  9. Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half.


  10. I'd peel potatoes and put them on to boil.


  11. Sometimes frustration and anger can boil over into direct and violent action.


  12. Remove the lid and boil away all the liquid.


  13. Marianne put the kettle on to boil.


  14. On no account should the mixture boil.


  15. Boil the sugar and 100 ml of water.





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  • 大学生礼仪课心得2000字 礼仪课心得体会2000字锦集三篇
    大学生礼仪课心得2000字 礼仪课心得体会2000字锦集三篇
    心得体会是指一种读书、实践后所写的感受性文字。语言类读书心得同数学札记相近;体会是指将学习的东西运用到实践中去,通过实践反思学习内容并记录下来的文字,近似于经验总结。以下是为大家整理的大学生礼仪课心得2000字 礼仪课心得体会2000字锦集三篇,欢迎品鉴!
  • 文明礼仪手拉手活动总结(通用4篇)