
英语作文 2019-08-18 22:11:13 英语作文
[摘要]喜爱电影的英语作文(共5篇)你最喜欢的电影英语作文My favorite movieMy favorite movie is Mr and Mrs smith, which is played by Julie and Pit



My favorite movie

My favorite movie is Mr. and Mrs.smith, which is played by Julie and Pit. I appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on.

For first reason, Julia and Pit are both beauty guys, a good vision could get from the movie. It also is reported they get married for this movie, which is may a real love feeling in it, including the sweet dancing time, having shopping together, and even fierce tussle between them. So, I watched it several times.

Secondly, I like the movie, which is told to me from the romance loving to common marriage life, suddenly it is becoming an exciting killing life with the closet companion, finally find the best way to love and live together. it a good lesson to the couple tired of their marriage.

Thirdly, I am fond of the comic plot from the movie. Just from seeing the doctor at the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun. and I also like they are chatting at the car when they are pursued just behind them and have to deal with the problem survive and death in the moment of truth. That moment, the dialogue between them is very cool and interesting, filling with fun.

【二】:英语作文 My favourite film 我最喜爱的电影


My favourite film

Do you know Harry Potter? It’s one of my favourite films and it’s an magical film. I don’t know who plays it but I know it’s written by J.K.Rowling.

As you know Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents ,now he is 16 years old .He is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who didn’t die by devil.At school,he has two good friends,they are Rone and Henry.

When I see this film,I feel very excited and interesting.So I see it again and again,every time I have different feelings,sometimes I even feel as if I’m Potter.

Do you like Harry Potter? If you haven’t see it yet,read it now and you’ll find a wonderful world.www.shanpow.com_喜爱电影的英语作文。



  Have you ever seen where the first snow flake folly Is it on the country road, on the branch of an old oak tree, on the wheat fields in the plain, or between the peaks of the mountain range?

  See the snowflakes leaping, dancing like flowers in the whirling wind. The flowers have six angles. Sometimes they are like stars. Sometimes they are only white dots, and they keep on falling gently in silence.

  Without your knowing it, the fields, houses, trees and the whole earth are enwloped in a thin coat of snow. I love snow, because it is saintly pure.

  Winter differs from the other seasons in that it is not as warmag spring, neither as hot as summer, nor as sad as autumn. The snowflake has her own grace and inspiration. It seems tender, yet it is amazingly attractive.

  The snowflakes are flying here and there and everywhere. It seems as if they are little stars in the universe moving along their own orbit. Look! What a spotless silvery world, how great, how magnificent!

  Away from the crowds of people,I stroll alone in the snow. Standing in the snow, flakes of snow float over my head, kissing me on the cheecks and falling on my eyebrow. Some make their way into my collar and some tall into my mouth. It tastes sweet.

www.shanpow.com_喜爱电影的英语作文。  Looking at this silver white world, thoughts well up in my mind. I feel as if I had become a part of them


  Some people say snow may bring you joy and happiness. Others think snow can get rid of the dirt in the world. Still others believe snow will purify one's soul, and there are those who hold the view that snow can melt all the evils in its purity and sincerely ......

  Oh, snow, you are as pure and white aa the angel in heaven. You come silently and generously protect everything in the world. You melt quietly and nourish a green spring.

  Oh, snow, I love you.




  My name is MAO culture, 19 years old this year. I'm from shaanxi province full of well-being, as is known to all, shaanxi is a very profound historical and cultural details big province, perhaps because of this to make the I love history and writing. Ankang municipality as the qinling tunnel opening, my hometown has become the important transport hub city, to play the role of a bearing in the south of the north, as a healthy person, I also hope that, like a home to become a media people, strengthen the cultural exchange and communication, let more people understand shanxi, let more people know China.

  I live in a harmonious and happy family, may be influenced by my father, I love making friends, warm, generous, so I learned good social skills. I love novels, as a boy, it may be a lot of people like suspension setting, reasoning, and I was like the youth romantic, I like close to life, close to our story, about growth, about dream, about emotions, in my opinion, these is enough true. Science class I think is too false, however, this does not hinder my powerful and unconstrained style of thinking. Of course, I'm more like war movie history. Especially in the TV series strong-arm reaction. Yun-long li swagger, Zhao Zhengwei polite, that's what I'm trying to learn. Such as the movie "wind" again. Finally Gu Xiaomeng that monologue "because people have to survival, we had tried to save only in one thousand." It give me is not just a psychological shock, I found myself more in this kind of light and shadow world favorite professional.

  I love the youth, love history, I am very strong, is also very fragile, perhaps this is very contradictory, but not to say that philosophy, contradiction is the driving force of development. I also eager to I this contradiction between physical find their own stage of development.





  I was born in flowering season in June, is good at a far less, the pursuit of the icing on the cake, the pursuit of life is: take your time to let the audience happy flower!

  My former name Lu Jiayi (6 + 1). This name is of special significance, because the adults said my due date is June 1, so a man call Lou a woman, but I just was born on June 2, so named Lu Jiayi (harmonics is: add a day on June 1st, is actually: parents hope that I have been happier), because later li yong predecessors started very 6 + 1, in order to keep my independent personality, distinctive features, it changed its name - the state of lu clear, after the dream of becoming the host to study abroad to other states. This name was destined to all my life I have the courage to fight, strives for realism the innovation personality.

  To practice the piano when I was younger, I have been in power hi song, after school, don't earn double hundred share one to three grade, the teacher often say to want to let the other students in the class to learn from me, later because my teacher when the headmaster, changed a sports teacher, my grades slipped, I have a passion for writing, I'm smart spring award winning, in dazhou daily published an article, also in the composition nets won the certificate... But I prefer to convey the news to my friends. I lively and cheerful, serious and responsible work, I am a middle school, wild goose literature propaganda committee member, my hobby is widespread, like host, he presided over the Spring Festival I dragon festival on television, I pay more attention to moral cultivation, because my father is a teacher, he always told me: learn to be a person, to learn to do things!

  I am a very optimistic boy, dedication is my biggest characteristics, I firmly believe that the sea is accept melting ice; Is gather the melting sea ice, I would like to turn into hard ice, in the air waves, until the waves meet day.

  Yeah, today I have a dream, how far how far I can go, don't say my young frivolous, I believe the avenue of broadcasting and hosting, all the way with me!!!!!!!!!!!! "


www.shanpow.com_喜爱电影的英语作文。   我曾用名卢嘉怡(6+1)。这个名字有着特殊的意义,是因为大人们说我预产期是六一,所以不管是男是女都叫卢一,可我偏偏六月二日才出生,于是取名卢嘉怡(谐音是:六月一日加一天,实际是:父母希望我这生更加快乐),只因后来李咏前辈创办了非常6+1,为了保持我的独立个性,与众不同的特点,就更名——卢浏州,梦想以后有机会当主持人留学到其他州。这名字注定了我一生勇于拼搏,求实创新的人格魅力哈。






  My name is wei, a pure clever, but the name on our family efforts to take oh! Grandpa said this name, opened only by N times family meeting. 's and father's family name is wei, ying is the family expect me to stand out from the extraordinary, pure was not in my name in the word but consider if call Wei Ying family, will be a lot of sharing the same name, so they added a pure word in the middle, I simply hope. My name is full of the whole family's love for me and look forward to, so I also try to do they expected of me.

  I character cheerful, frank. I am full of confidence to oneself, how many times, I am 100% confident to participate in all kinds of campaign, 200% ended up in failure. In the face of cruel reality, I feel disappointed and sad, because I don't get paid what. But, I'm not so depressed, I know want to learn from failure and confidently for failure to hone my will. "Self-trust is the first secret of success". I firmly believe that as long as there are efforts, there will always be a day to have truly belong to me.

  My hobby is widespread, sports, or art, I like it, but also because his character short-tempered, everything is just learn some fur, not deeply, so I created today, what will be, but nothing good. Swimming, of course, my favorite is the sport, because influenced by my father since I was a child, 5 years old began to learn swimming, until now already has 10 years of history, often talking about swimming, I can be very proud to stand chest my YouYongShi introduce it to you.

  Familiar with all my friends know my ideal is to be a police, and then through their own efforts when the Shanghai public security bureau chief, the last is a great honor for me when the mayor of Shanghai, ha ha, the back of the two is just my wish, but it is I grew up in front of the goal, I think I will be to me such a lofty ideal and goal to struggle!

  Yesterday I, today of I, tomorrow, I compose a lifelike, pure self-portrait. Chaoyang waved to me, the grass in the nod, let's try our best to strive for.















   [摘 要] 电影是大众文化传播的一种重要方式,英文电影如何翻译字幕对它的传播起着关键的作用。把极富西方文化特色内蕴的语言进行恰当有效地翻译,会增强英文电影的感染力。特别是影片呈现的文化信息,只有通过准确翻译才能赢得观众的厚爱。为此,需要探讨具体有效的翻译方法,才能让英文电影更具有文化的内涵。本文在分析中西文化差异的基础上,以英文影片《阿凡达》(Avatar)为个案探讨了字幕中文化负载词的翻译对策以及具体的翻译方法。
  [关键词] 文化差异 ;字幕翻译 ;英文电影 ;策略
  Grace:I?m gonna kick his corporal butt.
  由于文化差异的存在,对于目的语和源语来说,有些时候,同一个意象所代表的含义大相径庭,甚至完全矛盾。比如中国人对狗不是很有好感,经常含有贬斥鄙视的含义,所以把那些跟着领导点头哈腰、鞍前马后跑的人叫做“狗腿子”,厌恶两个人或者两个帮派之间互相争斗逞强,就叫他们“狗咬狗”;相反,在西方,人们对狗喜爱有加,视狗为自己的朋友。如果有人对你说“You are my dog!”不要误会他骂你,他是表达对你的友好; 如果你遇到好事,他会对你说:“You are lucky dog!”
  例2:One man: Check this out the man.Meals-on-wheels.
  比如在影片中,Easy boy.! You are lucky swine! Blue monkey! 这些用来称呼杰克的俚语充满幽默生动性,但是却无法在汉语里找到同样的一致的表达方式,就只能用替代成另外一种称呼,可以分别翻译成:好小子,你这幸运的东西,忧郁的小顽童。
  例3:We call this tree “Utral Aymokriy”.我们叫这棵树愿望树。这种树名字是导演卡梅隆自己创造的,专属于纳美人语言文化。如果用直译就只能用音译或者用英文表达,这些方式会让观众花更多的时间对字幕进行解码,从而分散对影片的注意力。
  例4:奈蒂莉让杰克选择自己的飞龙时,杰克•萨利(Jake Sully) 问奈蒂莉他如何知道飞龙选择了他,奈蒂莉的回答是
  Neytiri: He will try to kill you.
  Quaritch:They are very hard to kill.
  前面说这些土著人的骨骼是碳化纤维加强过的,后面说They are very hard to kill,意思是说很难杀死他们。翻译成“他们是冷血杀手”,感觉跟原文不搭边。观众会感到莫名其妙,甚至会误解影片要传达的信息,会认为这些土著人很残忍,不可理喻,而实际上,“土著人”在影片中是“在地球遭到环境破坏之前人类社会最原始最自然的状态下生活着的人类祖先”的“化身”。这样翻译完全背离了主题,脱离了语境。所以建议翻译成“很难杀死他们”。

  对于源语中难以理解的专有名词、特殊用语,选择省略是最好的方法。在这部影片中,导演卡梅隆不仅仅把“一个武士身处外星世界,战胜环境带来的身体上的挑战,面对种种的恐惧去征服、开发、融合”的主题表达出来,同时也表达出一种对政府大公司的警惕和反感,《阿凡达》里的RDA(资源发展管理)公司对“潘多拉”星进行了掠夺式的开采,并派出保安部队“Troopers of Sector”来镇压原住民的反抗……为了准确表达这一文化主题,卡梅隆甚至为影片中的纳美人研究发展了整套文化和语言:“我把潘多拉星上的土著民族设定为新石器时代的人类水准,他们用箭狩猎,他们与周围的环境和谐相处……”
  例6:Our guys call it a Great Leonopteryx.我们的族人称它是伟大的巨灵鸟。
  例7:the richest Unobtanism deposit within 200 clicks in any direction.方圆200里外,最富足的矿藏上。
  例8:it?s thEir most sacred place,Aybetraya Ramnnam,这是他们最神圣的地方。
  在这四句中出现的Leonopteryx ,Unobtanism ,Aybetraya Ramnnam以及Omaticaya都是导演创造出来的专有名词,分别指的是一种巨型鸟、一座非常富足的矿藏的名字、一个绝对神圣地方的名字以及纳美人的族名,这些专业专有名词翻译起来非常困难,又与影片的观看主题关系不大,所以最好的处理方式是省略。
  三、结 语
  [1] Dries J.Dubbing and Subtitling: Guidelines for Production and Distribution[M].Manchester: The European Institute for the Media,1995: 28.
  [2] 包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001:341.
  [3] 纪可,代冰.影视字幕文化负载词的英汉翻译策略和方?法[J].广西大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2009:122.




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